• Remembering Alex Danzig, Z”L

    The International March of the Living organization mourns the death of historian and educator Alex Danzig, who was kidnapped from his home in Nir Oz on October 7 and murdered by Hamas terrorists in Gaza a few weeks ago. Alex was one of the founders of youth trips to Poland, a person who promoted Israeli-Polish […]

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  • Historic Conservation Effort Brings Shoes of Children Murdered in Auschwitz Back on Display

    Over 3,000 of 8,000 shoes of children murdered in Auschwitz return to display, following the conservation process A child’s shoe going back to exhibition at Auschwitz after conservation. Photo Credit: Auschwitz Museum The Auschwitz Memorial, the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation, and the International March of the Living announced today that, following more than a year of conservation […]

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  • International March of the Living Responds to Worldwide Antisemitic Attacks: ‘Jewish Blood is Being Shed with Impunity’

    Responding to a spate of serious antisemitic attacks seen in recent days, the International March of the Living released today the following statement: “The attack on the ‘Adas Torah’ synagogue in Los Angeles and the targeting of Jews there, as well as the attacks on synagogues in Russia, the shocking rape of a Jewish girl […]

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  • International March of the Living Decries Incitement to Violence at McGill University

    Holocaust survivor Angele Orosz, a Montreal resident and educator: “What’s happening today at McGill is so frightening for me. I was born in Auschwitz-Birkenau. I came to Canada to escape antisemitism. It’s unbearable that my grandchildren have to go through what I escaped Hungary for”. The International March of the Living condemns in the strongest […]

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  • Marking A Grim Anniversary for the Jewish People & the World

    June 14, 2024 – Marking A Grim Anniversary for the Jewish People & the World On Friday, June 14, 1940, 84 years ago, at 3:10 in the afternoon, the first transport of Polish men arrived in the newly created Auschwitz concentration camp. The Germans established the camp in Oświęcim, a town in southern Poland – […]

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  • International March of the Living Marks D-Day 80th Anniversary

    A photograph showing troops of the 1st US Infantry Division, 5th US Corps attacking Omaha beach on D-Day, 6 June 1944. (U.S. National Archives and Records Administration) International March of the Living pays tribute to the heroic allied forces who took part 80 years ago in the historic D-Day operations to free Europe from the […]

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  • Highlights from the 2024 March of the Living

    The 2024 March of the Living took place against the backdrop of the 80th anniversary of the destruction of Hungarian Jews during the Shoah, the October 7th attack on Israel, and the dramatic rise in antisemitism across the globe. On the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, a March was held in Budapest followed the next […]

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  • International March of the Living salutes Holocaust survivors around the world on Holocaust Survivor Day 2024

    55 Holocaust Survivors gather underneath the Arbeit Macht Frei sign at Auschwitz-Birkenau to begin the 2024 International March of the Living on Yom HaShoah In honor of 2024 Holocaust Survivor Day, International March of the Living salutes our beloved Holocaust survivors around the world for the courage, resilience and faith they exhibited throughout their lifetimes. […]

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  • International March of the Living Responds to University Student Groups Condemnation of Israel

    In recent days, since the tragic events of Oct. 7, 2023, a veritable virus of one-sided condemnations of Israel have swept across university campuses all over the world. In almost all cases, sole blame for the current war in Gaza is assigned to Israel, along with demands by student groups for a boycott of all […]

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  • Remembering Sigmund Rolat, Z”L

    International March of the Living mourns the passing of Sigmund Rolat, Holocaust Survivor, internationally known philanthropist and one of the founders of Polin: The Museum of the History of Polish Jews. Sigmund Rolat joined us on the 2015 March of the Living where he delivered his eloquent remarks at the conclusion of the March of […]

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