• The memory of the survivors will not be dimmed

    The sand in the hourglass is running low. There are just a few grains left, the final bits of living memory, single candles flickering in the fading light. The number of Holocaust survivors, witnesses to the greatest atrocity in the history of humanity, is dwindling. Each and every one of them represents a historical document, […]

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  • “We Survived” – Special International March of the Living Publication in honor of Holocaust Survivor Day

    International March of the Living is proud to join organizations around the world commemorating Holocaust Survivor Day, taking place this year on June 4, 2023, a day recognizing and celebrating the lives of our courageous Holocaust Survivors. In honor of this significant commemoration, and in cooperation with Yedioth Ahronoth/Ynet, International March of the Living is […]

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  • We Survived: Survivor Spotlight on Nate Leipciger

    We Survived. The last of the survivors retrace their journeys of survival on the 2023 March of the Living in Poland. Prisoner Number 133628 Nate Leipciger, age 95, lives in Toronto Canada: “This is my bunk in Birkenau. This is my first time coming back here again. This time well dressed and at an excellent […]

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  • “It was just the prelude… Where they burn books, they will ultimately burn people too.”

    “It was just the prelude… Where they burn books, they will ultimately burn people too.” Heinrich Heine (1797-1856) These prophetic words, penned by German Jewish Writer Heinrich Heine in 1821, became a chilling reality during the Nazi regime between 1933-1945. On May 10, 1933, Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Germany’s Minister of Propaganda, led the book-burning event […]

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  • Can we all be Righteous Amongst the Nations?

    I write this reflective blog a few days after returning from March of the Living. Despite the wealth of writing, research, and testimony on the Holocaust, I (and I would imagine most people) find understanding and clarity to be elusive. The Holocaust occupies a bizarre space in my head, blurring the lines between historical interest, […]

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  • Ode to Poland 2023 from Western and Cincinnati Regions

    Tears enough to fill a well Feeling broken at times, but whole overall A week filled with sadness and overflowing with support Family is not just a word. It’s an emotion and a feeling of love and being secure. Even when scared. Revenge won’t change the past. Revenge can’t make it right. The only thing […]

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  • JPost Special Issue on the 2023 March of the Living

    In partnership with The Jerusalem Post, International March of the Living has produced a special magazine supplement marking 35 years since the first March of the Living was held in 1988.

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  • Remembering Alex Buckman, Z”L

    International March of the Living mourns the passing of Alex Buckman z’l, Holocaust survivor and educator. He passed away in Warsaw on the 2023 March of the Living program, toward the end of the week in Poland, as he was accompanying the Coast to Coast Canada March of the Living delegation. Alex was only 4 […]

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  • Remembering David “Dudi” Abadi Z”L

    International March of the Living announces with deep sorrow the untimely passing of our dear friend David (Dudi) Abadi, Z”L, the late Director of the March of the Living in Poland. Dudi was one of the pillars of our organization and selflessly devoted his time and considerable energy to our mission of preserving the memory […]

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