2024 International March of the Living


55 Holocaust Survivors from around the world, including Israeli Holocaust Survivors who survived the attacks of October 7th, marched at Auschwitz in renewed cry of ‘Never Again’

The 2024 March of the Living took place against the backdrop of the 80th anniversary of the destruction of Hungarian Jews during the Shoah, the October 7th attack on Israel, and the dramatic rise in antisemitism across the globe.

On the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day, a March was held in Budapest followed the next day by the March of the Living from Auschwitz to Birkenau, 36 years since the first March took place in 1988.

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Israeli Singer Noa Kirel performing “Somewhere Over the Rainbow” at the 2024 the March of The Living. Over 60 members of her family perished in the Shoah.