In an excerpt from his new book, Lessons of the Holocaust, Michael Marrus argues that the Holocaust may not direct us how to solve the problems of our time Just over half a century ago, in family libraries throughout the English-speaking world, one could probably find, alongside the Bible, a dictionary, and a few other books, an 11-volume […]

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  • Israel, Don’t Exclude Poland From the Holocaust Reconciliation Process

    A young Israeli I once met at a bar in Berlin told me that she lived in Germany thanks to her Polish passport and enjoyed life thanks to a German scholarship. When I asked if she had considered doing the same thing in Warsaw, she made a face and said she couldn’t imagine herself living […]

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  • Century-old Torah to be taken from West Boca to Poland for final restoration

    A century-old Torah that has made a journey around the world will be taken to Poland in May to complete its restoration, with South Florida Holocaust survivors writing in the final letters of the Old Testament scroll. The Torah, rescued by Boca Raton resident Sibyl Silver, is one of 118 discovered in storage in Nizhny […]

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    Frances Irwin is 90 years old. She was born in Poland and lives in Brooklyn. She is a Holocaust survivor. Frances is lonely, even though her son takes care of her. She collects used aluminum foil in a kitchen piled high with paper plates. She relies on an emergency wristband to call for help. When […]

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  • Stashed love letters shed light on divisive Holocaust legacy

    AP — Throughout the Nazi occupation of Amsterdam, and while incarcerated in two prison camps, Mirjam Bolle wrote letters to her fiance that she never sent but hoped to share with him after the war. Yet when the two ultimately reunited she decided to leave the past behind and stashed them away. Now, decades later, […]

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  • N.J. Holocaust survivor pens ‘Chocolate’ memoir

    The memoir of Holocaust survivor Maud Dahme, a resident of Flemington, was recently published with support from Stockton University’s Sara & Sam Schoffer Holocaust Resource Center. Chocolate, The Taste of Freedom, tells Dahme’s story of being hidden by Christian families as a child in The Netherlands during World War II. The memoir was co-written and […]

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  • INTERNATIONAL: Holocaust survivor describes atrocities of death and concentration camps

    Holocaust survivor Oskar Jakob, who experienced the horrors of a death camp, two concentration camps and forced marches, said as a 13 year old, he “experienced the most horrific crime that ever has been committed.” At Tuesday’s meeting of the Heartland American-Israeli Initiative, Jakob told his story of survival amid the death and brutality inflicted […]

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  • Do we need to rethink how we teach the Holocaust?

    While the focus has been on teaching the dangers of racism, many students are left in the dark about the history and motivations for this troubling period Many people argue that it is crucially important for young people to learn about the Holocaust to prevent racism and prejudice in the present day. But in a […]

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  • New search engine to target anti-Semitism

    Meet the Sniper, an app that will scan the net using a new algorithm, looking for anti-Jewish content. Individuals will be able to check the content and take action as needed. The World Zionist Organization (WZO) is expected to launch its Sniper app, which it says is a search engine for anti-Semitic content. The Sniper […]

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  • Ten thousand expected at March of the Living

    Some 10,000 young Jews from over 40 countries are to take part in the March of the Living at the former German Nazi Auschwitz death camp in southern Poland on 5 May.   According to organizers, they will be joined by a group of Poles along a 3km-long route. In line with a long-standing tradition, […]

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